Course Structure
The Curriculum Section of this Course covers the following Content :
Attachments 1: Gaseous State (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Gaseous State (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Gaseous State (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Gaseous State (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Gaseous State (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Gaseous State (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Gaseous State (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Gaseous State (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: Gaseous State (Lecture-9)
Attachments 10: Gaseous State (Lecture-10)
Attachments 11: Gaseous State (Lecture-11)
Attachments 12: Gaseous State (Lecture-12)
Attachments 13: Gaseous State (Lecture-13)
Attachments 14: Gaseous State (Lecture-14)
Attachments 15: Gaseous State (Lecture-15)
Attachments 16: Gaseous State (Lecture-16)
Attachments 17: Gaseous State (Lecture-17)
Attachments 18: Gaseous State (Lecture-18)
Attachments 19: Gaseous State (Lecture-19)
Attachments 20: Gaseous State (Lecture-20)
Attachments 21: Gaseous State (Lecture-21)
Attachments 1: Solid State (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Solid State (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Solid State (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Solid State (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Solid State (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Solid State (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Solid State (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Solid State (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: Solid State (Lecture-9) Part-1
Attachments 10: Solid State (Lecture-9) Part-2
Attachments 11: Solid State (Lecture-10)
Attachments 1: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-9)
Attachments 10: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-10)
Attachments 11: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-11)
Attachments 12: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-12)
Attachments 13: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-13)
Attachments 14: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-14)
Attachments 15: Atomic Structure & Quantum Theory (Lecture-15)
Attachments 1: Stereochemistry Lecture-1
Attachments 2: Stereochemistry (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Stereochemistry (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Stereochemistry (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Stereochemistry (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Stereochemistry (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Stereochemistry (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Stereochemistry Lecture-8
Attachments 1: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-9)
Attachments 10: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-10)
Attachments 11: General Organic Chemistry (Lecture-11)
Attachments 1: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-06)
Attachments 7: Reactive Intermediate (Lecture-7)
Attachments 1: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-05)
Attachments 6: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-07)
Attachments 8: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-09)
Attachments 10: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-10)
Attachments 11: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-11)
Attachments 12: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-12)
Attachments 13: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-13) Part-A
Attachments 14: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-13) Part-B
Attachments 15: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-14)
Attachments 16: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-15)
Attachments 17: Redox & Electrochemistry (Lecture-16)
Attachments 1: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-05)
Attachments 6: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-06)
Attachments 7: Reaction Mechanism (Lecture-07)
Attachments 1: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-5 Part-A)
Attachments 6: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-5 Part-B)
Attachments 7: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-6)
Attachments 8: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-7)
Attachments 9: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-8)
Attachments 10: Chemical Thermodynamics (Lecture-9)
Attachments 1: Named Reactions & Rearrangements (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Named Reactions & Rearrangements (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Named Reactions & Rearrangements (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Named Reactions & Rearrangements (Lecture-4)
Attachments 1: Chemical Equilibrium (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Chemical Equilibrium (Lecture-2)
Attachments 1: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Oxidation & Reduction (Lecture-7)
Attachments 1: Ionic Equilibrium (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Ionic Equilibrium (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Ionic Equilibrium (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Ionic Equilibrium (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Ionic Equilibrium (Lecture-5)
Attachments 1: Phase Equilibrium (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Phase Equilibrium (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Phase Equilibrium (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Phase Equilibrium (Lecture-4)
Attachments 1: Organometallic Reagents (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Organometallic Reagents (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Organometallic Reagents (Lecture-3)
Attachments 1: Pericyclic Reaction (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Pericyclic Reaction (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Pericyclic Reaction (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Pericyclic Reaction (Lecture-04)
Attachments 5: Pericyclic Reaction (Lecture-05)
Attachments 1: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-6)
Attachments 7: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Chemical Kinetics (Lecture-8)
Attachments 1: Heterocyclic Chemistry (Lecture-1)
Attachments 1: Solutions and Colligative Properties (Lecture-1)
Attachments 1: Natural Products (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Natural Products (Lecture-2)
Attachments 1: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-02)
Attachments 3: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-05)
Attachments 6: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-06)
Attachments 7: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-7)
Attachments 8: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-8)
Attachments 9: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-09)
Attachments 10: Chemical Bonding (Lecture-10)
Attachments 1: Adsorption (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Adsorption (Lecture-2)
Attachments 1: Physical Spectroscopy (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Physical Spectroscopy (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Physical Spectroscopy (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Physical Spectroscopy (Lecture-4)
Attachments 1: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-1)
Attachments 2: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-4)
Attachments 5: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-5)
Attachments 6: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-06)
Attachments 7: Coordination Chemistry (Lecture-7)
Attachments 1: Main Group Elements (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Main Group Elements (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Main Group Elements (Lecture-03)
Attachments 4: Main Group Elements (Lecture-04)
Attachments 5: Main Group Elements (Lecture-05)
Attachments 6: Main Group Elements (Lecture-06)
Attachments 1: Organometallic Chemistry (Lecture-01)
Attachments 1: Analytical Chemistry (Lecture-1)
Attachments 1: Periodic Property (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Periodic Property (Lecture-02)
Attachments 1: Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (Lecture-1)
Attachments 1: General Principles & Process of Isolation of Elements (Part-A)
Attachments 2: General Principles & Process of Isolation of Elements (Part-B)
Attachments 1: Spectroscopy (Lecture-01)
Attachments 2: Spectroscopy (Lecture-2)
Attachments 3: Spectroscopy (Lecture-3)
Attachments 4: Spectroscopy (Lecture-4)
Attachments 1: Periodic Table (Revision) Lecture-01
Attachments 2: Chemical Bonding (Revision) Lecture-02
Attachments 3: Chemical Bonding-II (Revision) Lecture-03
Attachments 4: Block Chemistry (Revision) Lecture-04
Attachments 5: Stereochemistry (Revision) Lecture-05
Attachments 6: General Organic Chemistry (Revision) Lecture-06
Attachments 7: Oxidation and Reduction & Name Reaction and Reagent (Revision) Lecture-07
Attachments 8: Pericyclic, Heterocyclic and Biomolecules, Spectroscopy (Revision) Lecture-08
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Avinash kumar rajak