How Eduncle is helpful for Students? is a digitized education portal which basically serves as an effective medium between best Faculties and Students. will serve as the gateway to success for Students who have the requisite talent but due to lack of effective Study Content are not able to prove their knowledge quotients.
We provide guidance to Students aspiring for different Competitive Exams. Our instructors possess several years of experience in teaching. guide the Students as to how they can improve their performance. The Study Material we provide is well researched by our Experts, which covers exam Syllabus Comprehensively. The innovative approach by us makes the Student more confident at the time of Examination.
Course Structure
The Curriculum Section of this Course covers the following Content :
1. English Language (129 Video Lectures + 950 Questions in Question Bank)
2. Quantitative Aptitude (153 Video Lectures + 1000 Questions in Question Bank)
3. General Intelligence & Reasoning (106 Video Lectures + 1000 Questions in Question Bank)
4. General Awareness (Computer Knowledge + General Science + Indian History + Indian Geography + Indian Constitution) (313 Video Lectures + 2350 Questions in Question Bank)
Attachments 1: Tense (काल)
Attachments 2: Syntax-Subject-Verb Agreement (वाक्य रचना-विषय-क्रिया समझौता)
Attachments 3: Adjective (विशेषण)
Attachments 4: Tag Question (टैग प्रश्न)
Attachments 5: Determiners (निर्धारण)
Attachments 6: Articles (उपपद)
Attachments 7: Noun (संज्ञा)
Attachments 8: Pronoun (सर्वनाम)
Attachments 9: Preposition (सम्बन्ध सूचक अव्यय)
Attachments 10: Narration (वर्णन)
Attachments 11: Voice (वाच्य)
Attachments 12: Verb (क्रिया)
Attachments 13: Modals (मॉडल्स)
Attachments 14: Adverb (क्रिया विशेषण)
Attachments 15: Cloze Test (रिक्त-स्थान पूर्ति परीक्षण)
Attachments 16: Jumble Sentence (जंबल वाक्य)
Attachments 17: Sentence Improvement (वाक्य सुधार)
Attachments 18: Idioms and Phrases (वाक्प्रचार)
Attachments 19: Paronyms and Homonyms (पैरॅनिम और होमोन्य्म)
Attachments 20: One Word (एक शब्द)
Attachments 21: Verb Volume (क्रिया मात्रक)
Attachments 22: Spotting Errors
Attachments 23: Fill in the Blanks (रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति)
Attachments 1: Types of Number (संख्या के प्रकार)
Attachments 2: Division (भाग)
Attachments 3: Addition (जोड़)
Attachments 4: Rule of Divisibility (विभाजकता का नियम)
Attachments 5: Unit Digit (इकाई का अंक)
Attachments 6: Square Root and Cube Root (वर्गमूल और घनमूल)
Attachments 7: Simplification (सरलीकरण)
Attachments 8: Percentage (प्रतिशत)
Attachments 9: Profit, Loss and Discount (लाभ, हानि और बट्टा)
Attachments 10: Simple Interest (साधारण ब्याज)
Attachments 11: Compound Interest (चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज)
Attachments 12: Ratio and Proportion (अनुपात और समानुपात)
Attachments 13: Average (औसत)
Attachments 14: Partnership (साझेदारी)
Attachments 15: Time and Work (समय और कार्य)
Attachments 16: Pipes and Cisterns (पाइप और टंकी)
Attachments 17: Time and Distance (समय और दूरी)
Attachments 18: Problems on Trains (रेल सम्बंधित प्रश्न)
Attachments 19: Boats and Streams (नाव और धारा)
Attachments 20: H.C.F. and L.C.M. (महत्तम समापवर्तक तथा लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य)
Attachments 21: Algebra (बीजगणित)
Attachments 22: Mensuration (क्षेत्रमिति)
Attachments 23: Geometry (ज्यामिति)
Attachments 24: Coordinate-Geometry (निर्देशांक-ज्यामिति)
Attachments 25: Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति)
Attachments 26: Height and Distance (ऊंचाई और दूरी)
Attachments 27: Data Interpretation (आंकड़ों का विश्लेषण)
Attachments 28: Probability (प्रायिकता)
Attachments 29: Permutation and Combination (क्रमचय और संचय)
Attachments 30: Alligation (मिश्रण)
Attachments 1: Alphabet Test (वर्णमाला परीक्षण)
Attachments 2: Direction Test (दिशा परीक्षण)
Attachments 3: Blood Relation (रक्त सम्बन्ध)
Attachments 4: Venn Diagram (वेन आरेख)
Attachments 5: Syllogism (न्याय निगमन)
Attachments 6: Dice (पासा)
Attachments 7: Cube (घन)
Attachments 8: Calendar (पंचांग)
Attachments 9: Sitting Arrangement (बैठक व्यवस्था)
Attachments 10: Clock (घड़ी)
Attachments 11: Ranking Test (क्रम परीक्षण)
Attachments 12: Puzzle (पहेली)
Attachments 13: Classification (वर्गीकरण)
Attachments 14: Series (श्रेणी क्रम)
Attachments 15: Mathematical Operations (गणितीय क्रियाएं)
Attachments 16: Finding the Missing Number (लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करना)
Attachments 17: Coding-Decoding (कूट लेखन-कूट वाचन)
Attachments 18: Input-Output (आगम-निर्गत)
Attachments 19: Paper Folding (कागज मोड़ना)
Attachments 20: Paper Cutting (कागज काटना)
Attachments 21: Age Related Problems (आयु सम्बन्धी प्रश्न)
Attachments 22: Data Sufficiency (समकों की पर्याप्तता)
Attachments 23: Statements and Arguments (कथन एवं कार्यवाही)
Attachments 24: Strong and Weak Arguments (प्रबल एवं निर्बल तर्क)
Attachments 25: Logical Sequence of Words (शब्दों का तार्किक क्रम)
Attachments 1: Koshika Vigyan (कोशिका विज्ञान)
Attachments 2: Jantu Uttak (जंतु उत्तक)
Attachments 3: Rudhir Parisancharan Tantra (रुधिर परिसंचरण तंत्र)
Attachments 4: Manav Rakt (मानव रक्त)
Attachments 5: Pachan Tantra (पाचन तंत्र)
Attachments 6: Kankal Tantra (कंकाल तंत्र)
Attachments 7: Antah Stravi Tantra (अंतः स्त्रावी तंत्र)
Attachments 8: Shvasan Tantra (श्वसन तंत्र)
Attachments 9: Tantrika Tantra (तंत्रिका तंत्र)
Attachments 10: Utsarjan Tantra (उत्सर्जन तंत्र)
Attachments 11: Koshika Vibhajan (कोशिका विभाजन)
Attachments 12: Aanuvanshiki (आनुवंशिकी)
Attachments 13: Gunsutra (गुणसूत्र)
Attachments 14: Jantuo Ka Vargikaran (जन्तुओ का वर्गीकरण)
Attachments 15: Vishanu Janit Rog (विषाणु जनित रोग)
Attachments 16: Jivanu Janit Rog or Anya Rog (जीवाणु जनित रोग और अन्य रोग)
Attachments 17: Poshak Tatva (पोषक तत्त्व)
Attachments 18: Padap Vigyan (पादप विज्ञान)
Attachments 19: Padap Me Poshan (पादप में पोषण)
Attachments 20: Pushp (पुष्प)
Attachments 21: Padap Hormones (पादप हार्मोन्स)
Attachments 22: Fal (फल)
Attachments 23: Padap Uttak (पादप उत्तक)
Attachments 24: Padpon Se Sambandhit Mahatvapurn Jaankari (पादपो से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी)
Attachments 25: Tatvo Ka Vargikaran (तत्वों का वर्गीकरण)
Attachments 26: Hydrocarbon (हाइड्रोकार्बन)
Attachments 27: Radio Sakriyta (रेडियो सक्रियता)
Attachments 28: Oxikaran or Apchayan (ऑक्सीकरण और अपचयन)
Attachments 29: Rasaynik Abhikriya (रासायनिक अभिक्रिया)
Attachments 30: Parmanu (परमाणु)
Attachments 31: Bhautik or Rasaynik Parivartan (भौतिक और रासायनिक परिवर्तन)
Attachments 32: pH- Scale (पी. एच. स्केल)
Attachments 33: Aml, Kshar or Lavan (अम्ल, क्षार और लवण)
Attachments 34: Dhatu, Adhatu Or Mishradhatu (धातु, अधातु और मिश्रधातु)
Attachments 35: Samsthanik or Sambhaarik (समस्थानिक और सम्भारिक)
Attachments 36: Carbon or Uske Yaugik (कार्बन और उसके यौगिक)
Attachments 37: Gypsum POP or Cement (जिप्सम पॉप और सीमेंट)
Attachments 38: Plastic, Rubber, Kaanch, Koyla, Endhan or Sabun (प्लास्टिक, रबर, कांच, कोयला, इंधन और साबुन)
Attachments 39: Prakash (प्रकाश)
Attachments 40: Paravartan (परावर्तन)
Attachments 41: Darpan (दर्पण)
Attachments 42: Lens (लेंस)
Attachments 43: Manav Naitra (मानव नेत्र)
Attachments 44: Naitra Rog (नेत्र रोग)
Attachments 45: Prakash Ka Apvartan (प्रकाश का अपवर्तन)
Attachments 46: Purn Aantrik Parvartan (पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन)
Attachments 47: Varn Vikshepan (वर्ण विक्षेपण)
Attachments 48: Prakirnan (प्रकीर्णन)
Attachments 49: Vyatikaran (व्यतिकरण)
Attachments 50: Vivartan va Dhruvan (विवर्तन व ध्रुवण)
Attachments 51: Drishti Nirbadh (दृष्टि निर्बध)
Attachments 52: Lens Kshamta (लेंस क्षमता)
Attachments 53: Dhwani (ध्वनि)
Attachments 54: Karya (कार्य)
Attachments 55: Urja (ऊर्जा)
Attachments 56: Shakti (शक्ति)
Attachments 57: Bal (बल)
Attachments 58: Prishth Tanav (पृष्ठ तनाव)
Attachments 59: Shyanta (श्यानता)
Attachments 60: Keshikatva (केशिकत्व)
Attachments 61: Asanjak va Sasanjak Bal (असंजक व ससंजक बल)
Attachments 62: Abhikendriya va Apkendriya Bal (अभिकेंद्रीय व अपकेंद्रिय बल)
Attachments 63: Gati Ke Niyam (गति के नियम)
Attachments 64: Daab (दाब)
Attachments 65: Utplavan Bal (उत्प्लावन बल)
Attachments 66: Tapman (तापमान)
Attachments 67: Matrak (मात्रक)
Attachments 68: Viddhyut Dhara (विद्द्युत धारा)
Attachments 69: Chumbkiya Kshetra (चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र)
Attachments 70: Viddhyut Chumbkiya Preran (विद्द्युत चुम्बकीय प्रेरण)
Attachments 71: Viddhyut Dhara Ka Tapiya Prabhav (विद्द्युत धारा का तापीय प्रभाव)
Attachments 72: Viddhyut Janitra (विद्द्युत जनित्र)
Attachments 73: Viddyut Motor, Transfarmer, Fuse Taar (विद्द्युत मोटर ट्रांसफार्मर फ्यूज तार)
Attachments 1: Sindhu Ghati Sabhyata (सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता)
Attachments 2: Vaidik Kaal (वैदिक काल)
Attachments 3: Jain Dharm (जैन धर्म)
Attachments 4: Buddha Dharm (बौद्ध धर्म)
Attachments 5: Mahajanpad (महाजनपद)
Attachments 6: Hariyak Vansh Va Anya (हरियाक वंश व अन्य)
Attachments 7: Maurya Kaal (मौर्य काल)
Attachments 8: Shung Vansh (शुंग वंश)
Attachments 9: Satwahan Vansh (सातवाहन वंश)
Attachments 10: Kushan Vansh (कुषाण वंश)
Attachments 11: Gupt Samrajya (गुप्त साम्राज्य)
Attachments 12: Pushyabhuti Vansh (पुष्यभूति वंश)
Attachments 13: Delhi Saltanat (दिल्ली सल्तनत)
Attachments 14: Mughal Kaal (मुगल काल)
Attachments 15: East India Company Ki Sthapna (ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की स्थापना)
Attachments 16: Governors And Viceroy (गवर्नर एंड वाइसराय)
Attachments 17: 1857 Ki Kranti (1857 की क्रांति)
Attachments 18: Rashtriya Aandolan (राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन)
Attachments 19: Congress Ki Sthapna (कांग्रेस की स्थापना)
Attachments 1: Namkaran Or Vistar (नामकरण और विस्तार)
Attachments 2: Bhaugolic Vibhajan (भौगोलिक विभाजन)
Attachments 3: Jalwayu (जलवायु)
Attachments 4: Apwah Tantra (अपवाह तंत्र)
Attachments 5: Nadi Ghati Pariyojana (नदी घाटी परियोजना)
Attachments 6: Mrida (मृदा)
Attachments 7: Vanaspati (वनस्पति)
Attachments 8: Krishi (कृषि)
Attachments 9: Yaatayat (यातायात)
Attachments 10: Uddhyog (उद्योग)
Attachments 11: Khanij Sansadhan (खनिज संसाधन)
Attachments 1: Sanvaidhanik Itihaas (संवैधानिक इतिहास)
Attachments 2: Sanvidhan Sabha (संविधान सभा)
Attachments 3: Sanvidhan Ki Nirman Prakriya (संविधान की निर्माण प्रक्रिया)
Attachments 4: Sanvidhan Ki Prastavna (संविधान की प्रस्तावना)
Attachments 5: Sanvidhan Ke Upbandh (संविधान के उपबंध)
Attachments 6: Sanvidhan ki Anusuchiya (संविधान की अनुसूचियां)
Attachments 7: Sansad or Unke Rajya Kshetra (संसद और उनके राज्य क्षेत्र)
Attachments 8: Nagarikta (नागरिकता)
Attachments 9: Mul Adhikaar (मूल अधिकार)
Attachments 10: Niti Nideshak Tatva (निति निदेशक तत्व)
Attachments 11: Mul Kartavya (मूल कर्त्तव्य)
Attachments 12: Sangh Ki Karya Palika (संघ की कार्य पालिका)
Attachments 13: Sangh Ki Vyavasthapika (संघ की व्यवस्थापिका)
Attachments 14: Sangh Ki Nyaypalika (संघ की न्यायपालिका)
Attachments 15: Rajyon Ki Karyapalika (राज्यों की कार्यपालिका)
Attachments 16: Rajyon Ki Vyavasthapika (राज्यों की व्यवस्थापिका)
Attachments 17: Rajyon Ki Nyaypalika (राज्यों की न्यायपालिका)
Attachments 18: Panchayati Raj (पंचायती राज)
Attachments 19: Bharat Ke Pramukh Adhikari (भारत के प्रमुख अधिकारी)
Attachments 1: Introduction (परिचय)
Attachments 2: Computer Generation (कम्प्यूटर की पीढ़िया)
Attachments 3: Input Output Devices (आंतरिक व बाह्य युक्तियाँ)
Attachments 4: Memory (स्मृति)
Attachments 5: Hardware or Software (हार्डवेयर व सॉफ्टवेयर)
Attachments 6: Multimedia (मल्टीमीडिया)
Attachments 7: Number System (संख्या प्रणाली)
Attachments 8: System Tools (तंत्र उपकरण)
Attachments 9: Application Management (आवेदन प्रबंधन)
Attachments 10: IT And Society (सूचना तकनीकी और समाज)
Attachments 11: Internet And Web (इंटरनेट और वेब)
Attachments 12: Computer Virus (कम्प्यूटर वायरस)
Attachments 13: DBMS-Data Base Management System (डेटाबेस प्रबंधन तंत्र)
Attachments 14: Windows (विंडोज)
Attachments 15: MS Word (एम एस वर्ड)
Attachments 16: MS Excel (एम एस एक्सेल)
Attachments 17: MS Power Point (एम एस पावर पॉइंट)
Attachments 18: Shortcut Keys (शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ)
Attachments 19: Computer Knowledge (कम्प्यूटर ज्ञान)
Eduncle is India’s No. 1 Online Learning Platform for IIT JAM, CSIR NET & UGC NET that empowers students with knowledge, strong concepts, and guidance at every step from learning to leadership. The trust and support of over 2.7 million registered students, who are using services like quality content, continuous doubt solution, and mentorship at Eduncle, make us feel proud and ever-growing in India’s Online Education Trend.
Eduncle’s doubt solution app enables IIT JAM, CSIR NET & UGC NET aspirants to ask their doubts from the nationwide community of students and teachers.
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